High Speed PC Driving

by Idda at/on 6:32 PM

Everyone in the world can't use high technological computers. you may have computer that haven't enough speed. but don't worry you can speed up your computer within few seconds. Here I'm gonna show you the way!!

first of all you gotta Right Click on My Computer icon and select Properties. In the up side corner you can see a tag called "Advanced". Click on it. but remember you gotta log as administrator to do some of these Adjustments. Then you can see a window like in the

Then you can see a Performence label. You can simply you can find the Settings button. Click on it. Then you can see the Performence Option window. There are sevaral options to select. you have to select Adjust for best performence. That's all you gotta do. Now press apply and press ok.


Have a nice day!


by Idda at/on 3:06 AM

Here are some useful shortcut keys!! try 'em!
Useful shortcut keys..

Ctrl+Esc (Start Menu)
Alt+Tab (Swirch Bitween Windows)
Ctrl+Shift+Esc (Task Manager)
Win+R (Run)
Win+F (Search)
Win+E (Explorer)
Alt+Esc (Switch Bitween Windows)
Win+D (Minimize)
Win+L (Log on)
Shift+ Delete (Delete a file without putting it in to recycle bin)
Ctlr + F (Search in a folder)
F2 (Rename)
Alt+Enter( Properties)
Ctrl + Enter (Open a folder in a new window)
Alt + <-- (Back)
Alt + --> (Forward)
Alt + F4 (Exit)
Ctlr + W (Exit)

Try To Do This

by Idda at/on 6:50 AM

Hi!! had a really bad week. spent the whole last week in the hospital. couldn't write anything. here I'm gonna write a strange thing. A simple thing. I'll say it like this. now I'm gonna tell you a sentence. you have to type it on note pad and save it. If you could do it properly I'll give you $1000?? right??
here's the sentence.

idda hit the facts

type this on note pad and save it with a any name and open the document again... if you can see the sentence i'll give you $1000....
try it and enjoy!!!
(Conditions apply)

Have a nice day!!!!

Hide a Folder

by Idda at/on 4:46 AM


Hope you know how to hide a folder. but this thing is quite different. let me ask a question. can you make a folder without a name?? mm quite hard huh?? No it's not so hard!!
Now I'm gonna how to do it.
First create a folder. Here you can see it. Then rename it like this..

hold your Alt key and press 0160 and press enter. here you can see it from the right side. then you gotta do another simple thing. just you gotta change the icon of this folder. Right click on the folder and select properties. and then costumize. there's a button called change icon. click on it and select the icon than have shown in the following picture. That's all... now there's a folder. but anyone can't see it!! enjoy!!

My Fist Blog Post

by Idda at/on 2:37 AM

Hello everyone. I'm Idda from Sri Lanka. I'm so fond of writing about technology. I'm gonna write here some interesting facts about windows xp. Be with me and be a expert in windows xp. see you soon with a new interesting blog post.

Have a nice day......

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